Staten Island News

Staten Island News: Free for EVERYONE!

While some online newspapers require a paid subscription to read the premium content  Featured Stories, and other online papers require a Paid Subscription to read anything, the Staten Island News Organization is 100% free. We don’t even require readers to create an account before engaging with content, including commenting on the social media sub-platform dedicated to commenting.

Staten Island News. Online.

Our [Hyper]Local Paper(less) uses no paper or manufacturing process. Everything is digital and accessible with ease by phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. And so, the environmental footprint is less than traditional news sources that print on paper.

Introducing the Staten Island News Organization

Otherwise known as the Staten Islander News Organization,  the Staten Island News Organization maintains a secure news platform known as  The Staten Islander, at,  which publishes “News Staten Islanders Care About.™”

Staten Island News in Spanish. Staten Island News in Russian.

Yes; Staten Island News in Spanish, only  a click away. Staten Island News in Russian? Why certainly!

Staten Island News in Arabic. Staten Island News in Yiddish.

Staten Island News in Arabic, of course.  And, SI News in Yiddish is also an option. And tons of other languages. The Staten Islander is easy to access in most languages spoken and read on Staten  Island and nearby locales.

Staten Island News Platform Media Placement

We welcome working with advertisers of all kinds, from individuals to Fortune 500 companies, and everyone in between. We welcome working with your in-house team or outside ad agency. If necessary, we can design an advertisement that  works…one that  is attractive to your audience and artful and aesthetically-pleasing, created by prestigious design school gradates with decades in the field, not a twenty-year-old playing with AI.

The Staten Island News Org:  Nonpartisan and Fair Presentation

The Staten Islander News Organization is a nonpartisan entity. We do not support, or endorse, any politic party or viewpoint.  We have editors and staff drawing from every political and ideological perspective. After all, this is the United States. We all think differently.  That is a big positive.

We do not talk down to our audience, and are not trying to soft-sell anything.

The Staten Islander News Org: Everyone Has the Right To Be Heard

We respect the right of all views and perspectives to be published on  our news platform,  and welcome islanders to share their stories, bringing their voices to the fore. With the exception of content that encourages people to partake in violence, or views that promote anti-group bias based on prejudice of any type, or anything at all illegal, we publish most content. We welcome the endless array of multicultural ideas and philosophies co-existing out there in the wild in these United States, and Staten Island, New York, specifically!

Staten Island Social Media

The Staten Islander News platform at actually has a functional, and often utilized, social media sub-platform embedded within, permitting comments and vibrant discussion, right within the space of each story post, without the need to navigate away to mega-platforms like Facebook or Twitter (X). We have plans to expand the comment section and add a forum, and place both on a dedicated social media platform we will also operate.

Staten Island News Org History

The Staten Islander has been in operation since 2018, providing news to Staten Island that is relevant and interesting. Why are we here? Staten Islanders needed a choice. While we love the Advance, we wanted to do our own thing. And, two of the founders (who hadn’t known one another!) each grew up with Joan Gerstel in their close orbit, and thus the Staten island Register was always in the background. And so, the idea  of a newspaper was never a seeming impossible project.